Brand new online course!
Mindstore Introductory Course
Reinvent yourself with all the tools you need
About Jack
Jack is a renowned Coach, Author and Leader in the field of Personal Development and Performance Improvement. The success and long-term effectiveness of his approach is unquestionable, given that over half a million global participants have attended his programmes, and hundreds of companies have engaged with him for over 25 years. He has pioneered whole brain thinking in business while his ground-breaking tools and techniques have been applied at all levels within organisations and across all sectors to achieve extraordinary results.
Mindstore Online
Powerful MindStore Personal Development and Mindfulness programs online or via our app on tablet and smartphone
Conference Speaking
Jack has presented at thousands of conferences and business meetings all round the world, motivating teams and people to make profound and lasting change and with remarkable results. He has guided audiences of as few as 10 to as many as 10,000 with his unique MindStore process, entertaining and inspiring them to use the tools provided to achieve transformative personal and business success.
Jack is an internationally recognised speaker with experience across a vast array of sectors. Those he has empowered include leading entrepreneurs, business leaders, corporate executives, senior teams, sales and marketing professionals, production and entire organisations, as well as individuals keen to explore their own personal development.
If you are interested in Jack speaking at your event please get in touch at
If you are looking for a different type of coach, then consider a truly unique and outstanding experience. It demands that you spend a day with Jack walking in and around a location that’s special for you, an encounter that will ultimately impact both you and Jack for the rest of your lives.
Clients tend to be business leaders, entrepreneurs and senior executives who are usually facing choices about their immediate futures. You will leave with clarity of purpose, specific tools and ongoing support.
Alternatively spend 2 to 3 hours with Jack one on one via Skype Video, working through his unique and powerful coaching process. Available to all and at a personalised fee best suited to each participant.
If you are interested in being coached by Jack, please get in touch at
Jack offers a new way of looking at business, he will expose you and your teams to techniques that help to declutter the mind, de-stress, prioritise and maximise time and energy; feel a sense of purpose and derive immense satisfaction from the fresh focus and confidence it brings.
This is training for the brain that improves mental wellbeing, taking you to a new place where anything and everything can be considered possible. Participation in these programs will expose you to some of the brightest, motivational and successful methods for improved results in business today, setting you and your teams upon a course for gloriously satisfying futures.
Jack has taught his proprietary performance enhancing tools and techniques to an extraordinary range of companies around the world, with over half a million participants on his unique programs.
If you are interested in working with Jack please get in touch at